My amazing fiancee posted a rather candid blog and I'd like to take a moment to kind of respond. Not really for anyone else, but just for her.
Your feelings are not irrational, I've felt the same way at times. But then I realize that, as strange as it sounds, I love you more now than I ever have.
-you're the girl who knows that his name isn't Anderson Cooper, it's Anderson Cooper 360
-you're the girl who took care of me when I drank far too much after Daniel's wedding
-you're the girl who acted like she didn't hear me when I first told you that I loved you, and made me repeat it again
-you're the girl who I had to bail out of jail
-you're the girl who I spent the most amazing weekend in Nashville with
-you're the girl who wears dresses all the time, and you look so beautiful doing so
-you're the girl who gives our dogs voices
-you're the girl who doesn't complain when I force you to listen to Morrissey nonstop in the car
-you're the girl who bought me penguin pants
-you're the girl who does the robot
-you're the girl who corrects me when I finish a sentence with "at"
-you're the girl who goes out with me at 1230 at night to get a cherry Dr Pepper from Sonic
-you're the girl who I spend hours upon hours with in Home Depot picking out paint
-you're the girl who almost made me pass out when we had our first kiss
-you're the girl who used to get drunk and tell me how you just wanted to get married
-you're the girl who gave me a Morrissey birthday cake
-you're the girl who was there when I fell at the bottom of the stairway that night it was raining
-you're the girl who eats cous cous and shrimp and grits with me
-you're the girl who sleeps in a hooded sweatshirt, with the hood on
-you're the girl who has spent the last 6 months waiting for me to come
these are the reasons I love you, nothing shallow or superficial. They may sound like the simplest things, but when you look at them together, you realize that in the two years we've been together, we've shared a lifetime of memories. These are things that not even 20 years apart could change, much less 6 months.
I'm not niave enough to think that we haven't changed. But despite what changes you may or may not have made, you're still "the girl" I talked about up there. You're still Charlee, and I'm still Gene. I'm still that guy who left you pudding on your windshield when you were sick, and who doesn't hesitate to leave the house at all hours to get you Gatorade, and I still love you more than I ever knew I could.
I don't know any other way to feel about you, other than to just love you. You really are the missing piece in the puzzle that is my life. There will be a bit of an adjustment period when I get home, we both know that, but our hearts recognize their reflection in each other. We'll be back to the way we were, the most sickening and in love couple anyone knows. Because you're "the girl" and I'm "the guy", and that's much more than 6 months could ever change.
P.S.- I promise to take care of the dogs for the first month I'm back